AirTimes General Update

July 7, 2024

AirTimes has migrated to the new server vastly expanding storage capacity.

With the extra capacity, I can now add high-resolution full length timetables in PDF format.

Look for the icon below available timetables in the gallery pages.

This library launches with over 1000 timetables. Additional PDF editions will be announced on the AirTimes Update page.

Compiling PDF tmetables is a time-consuming process, so roll-out will be a multi-year process.

Timetable PDFs will launch in an 'oversized' format, so you'll want to use your PDF browser zoom function to better manage viewing. In most cases, the 'Page Fit' in Adobe Acrobat will give you clear viewing.

Preserving airline route and schedule history is a primary goal for AirTimes. I hope an expanding PDF library will be useful for visitors who do not have access to the origional documents.

Enjoy this archive!

June 23, 2024

AirTimes will migrate to a new, dedicated server in the coming weeks.

This change will allow AirTimes to host an onlline library of complete airline timetables in PDF format.

There will be no updates to AirTimes pages during this transition which is expected to take several weeks.

There may be intermitent interruptions when AirTimes is not available during this transition.

When the PDF library is launched, AirTimes will include over 2000 full length timetables in high-resolution format.

There will be no change to the exisiting basic web-site architecture. If you have bookmarks for specfic AirTimes pages on your browser, there will be no changes, and no bookmark updates will be necessary.

This is an exciting enhancement for AirTimes and the availability of a free, online library of airline history is something I have wanted to accomplish for many years.

I hope you will enjoy this new resource to explore airline route and schedule history!


March 16, 2024

Airline history, specifically route and schedule development viewed through timetables, has been a fifty-year hobby.

AirTimes was launched in 1997 to help organize and share timetable publication information many other collectors and I had accumulated. I was able to rapidly expand the AirTimes scope over the following decade. Then, oweing to a combination of technology issues and work responsilities, there were no updates to AirTimes in subsequent years. Now in retirement, I have the opportunity to reinvest effort into the web site and I hope you will find updates and enhancements of interest.

When AirTimes first launched in the early days of the public internet, band width and storage volume were significant constraints. By necessity timetable images on AirTimes were kept to a modest size. I am now in a position to resize images giving you a clearer view of timetable covers and advertising. While the gallery page format will not change, when you click on individiual timetables you'll find larger-size images replacing the modest orginals.

A tedious process, indeed! Please be patient!

This is part of a broader project to create an online library of complete timetables in PDF format. Frankly, that will be a multi-year project but I hope to make available several hundred complete timetables later this year. Stay tuned!

In the meantime, please check the update page for new, regular changes and additions.

Thanks for visiting AirTimes!

March 16, 2024